Ideathon 2023 (1st phase)

Terrassa, Spain Terrassa

The Ideathon is an aerospace-related competition for European students. The participating teams will have to come up with the best solution to […]


🇩🇪 Munich: Ideathon 2023 (2nd phase)

Munich, Germany Munich

The Ideathon is an aerospace-related competition for European students. The participating teams will have to come up with the best solution to […]

Event Series Viatges

🇬🇷 Athens: FoWo 2023

Athens, Greece National Techincal University of Athens, Athens

The FoWo is EUROAVIA’s internal #training event, whose purpose is to increase the quality of EUROAVIAn operation.

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!

Formar part d’EUROAVIA i començar a gaudir de les activitats que oferim és molt senzill, només has d’omplir el formulari d’inscripció que trobaràs a continuació.

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!


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