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🇩🇪 Munich: Ideathon 2023 (2nd phase)

novembre 5, 2023 - novembre 9, 2023


The Ideathon is an aerospace-related competition for European students. The participating teams will have to come up with the best solution to the challenges proposed by the different companies.

The competition will consist of two physical phases, and it will be supported by online activities:

  • First phase 3rd-7th of September: Terrassa, Spain. It will consist of a 5-day event (including the days of arrivals and departures) where the teams will have to solve one of the challenges set by the organisers during the 24 hours of the competition. During the last day, the shortlisted teams of each category will be announced.
  • Final phase 5th-9th of November: Munich, Germany. The shortlisted teams from the first phase are invited for a second round with different challenges to compete for first place among all the categories.

In case of unavailability of the shortlisted teams, the organisers reserve the right to give the place to other teams, following the ranking given by the evaluation committee.

Mostra els detalls

novembre 5, 2023
novembre 9, 2023
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Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany + Mapa de Google

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