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Event Series Event Series: Viatges

🇪🇸 València: DroWo Drone Workshop

18 febrer - 23 febrer

EUROAVIA València will be organising an International Event next February!

From 18th to 23rd of February 2024, 16 EUROAVIA members will have the opportunity to visit our beautiful city in order to attend our Drone Workshop.

In this event, you will learn more about the importance, utilities and challenges of drone technology in a hands-on experience. With the guidance of some experts, attendants will build their own drone step by step.

We encourage every EUROAVIA member to apply for this Event, and come learn with us more about drones. We are waiting for you!



Eager to join us in València? Applications will open on Sunday 22nd of October 2023 at 20:00 CEST.

You can apply though this link:



February 2024

* Some activity plans might be subject to changes

More Info.

Mostra els detalls

18 febrer
23 febrer
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València, Spain
València, Spain + Mapa de Google

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!

Formar part d’EUROAVIA i començar a gaudir de les activitats que oferim és molt senzill, només has d’omplir el formulari d’inscripció que trobaràs a continuació.

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!


© 2024. Made by Gerard López López.