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  • International Event: Fly-in

International Event: Fly-in

Del 13 al 17 juliol de 2022 juliol vam celebrar el nostre primer International Event, on vam rebre estudiants d’arreu d’europa i més enllà. Els vam ensenyar el nostre campus i vam fet activitats de tota mena. Una visita a les instal·lacions de l’ICFO, vam anar al centre de control de Gavà, on es gestiona la fase d’aproximació de l’Aeroport de Barcelona-El Prat i la resta del transit aeri. També vam tenir temps per fer una competició de Kayak al Canal Olímpic i una demostració de drons al DroneLab.

Aqui teniu de forma detallada tot el que vam fer:

During the Fly-In Castelldefels 2022 we welcomed 12 students from the EUROAVIA network. We explored some of the most important Barcelona’s monuments, listened to some different lectures, exercised, sailed in a kayak and made some new friends.

Wednesday 13th July

On Wednesday June 13th all participants arrived at Castelldefels and checked-in on the campus students’ house. During the evening, the participants could visit some few beauties of Barcelona guided by a part of the staff of the PAS Castelldefels. We visited the most important landmarks, such as Casa Batllò, Las Ramblas, La Boqueria, the Gothic quarter, Arc de Triomf and the huge Sagrada Familia. We ended our first day having a special dinner at one of the most famous taverns in the city called “Ovella Negra” translated to“The Black Sheep” .

Thursday 14th July

On Thursday morning we started our day with a warm welcome by the university’s vice principal of external relationships, Jordi Berenguer. He explained to us about the school, its methodology and philosophy and the projects carried by EETAC and the ones that will take place in the future. Later the attendees could learn about Drones and be part of a little demonstration of how ICARUS RESEARCH GROUP works and their participation in the SESAR Joint Undertaking. They demonstrate us how drones can be coded to work in a certain airspace and let some of the participants fly them.

After having lunch, the participants were able to access ENAIRE’s Eastern Region Airspace Control Center which is located at Gava. They could visit where the controllers were and how they work to provide surveillance and safety. The main room had around fifty people controlling and guiding multiple planes at the same time. Once we finished our visit, we took a photo at the front door of the building, as we could not take it inside as it is a restricted area.

After this visit we had a tour around Castelldefels historic city center. We had a beautiful time visiting the local museum and walking up the hill until reaching the castle. The local guide explained why this city had so many towers and why they were constructed… PIRATES! These towers were used to protect their houses and wealth from pirates.

Friday 15th July

On Friday June 15th, the morning started with a lecture of ICFO’s research center where the attendees could learn about photonics and how they are being developed in projects related to communications between terrestrial and space environments. They were able to enter in some of their laboratories and see some experimental demonstration of their devices.

After having lunch, water activities were booked at the Olympic Channel in Castelldefels. The participants have a great time kayaking along the channel and, after it, they could race against some of the staff members in a Paddle surf race. Spoiler: They all ended up really wet ;)!

After eating some pizza together we had our Cultural Night, where participants brought some of their nation’s sweets, delights and typical alcoholic drinks and they shared them with everyone. It was a beautiful night remembered by so many new tastes and traditional songs.

Saturday 16th July

The next day had a late start as they needed to recover after so many activities in the past days. Nevertheless, the fourth day of the event was dedicated to free time and they experienced an incredible day at the beach. They had dinner at the beach and free time after it. At the dinner, we had a special meal, Paella. Paella is one of the most famous meals from Spanish cuisine.

We would like to thank all participants who have decided to come to our first Fly-In. We hope you have had a great time with us and hope to see you all again. We also hope that this is the start of many more International Events and we are looking forward to participating in them.

Special thanks to all our supporters, who supported us in terms of content. With lectures and visits. We also want to thank our University and Castelldefels town hall –for having supported us financially.

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!

Formar part d’EUROAVIA i començar a gaudir de les activitats que oferim és molt senzill, només has d’omplir el formulari d’inscripció que trobaràs a continuació.

Converteix la carrera en una experiència inoblidable!


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